Some of my side projects are showcased in this section.

MuZero on Super Mario Bros

I have attempted to evaluate MuZero, an algorithm for deep learning published by Google Deepmind in 2019, against Deep-Q-Networks with Double-Q-Learning, the state of the art model free algorithm. I have compared their performance using the game Super Mario Bros. Clips of an agent trained using MuZero playing the game can be found below:

Repository Link   |   Evaluation Report

The Crypto Lottery

This project consists of an Ethereum-based back end and a frontend powered by React.js. The objective of this project was to build a lottery application where users register using Ether and stand a chance to win the Jackpot.

The Jackpot is the prize pool consisting of contributions from all participants with the winner being chosen at regular time intervals. A participants chances also increase with the Ether they contribute up to a certain limit.

Frontend Repository   |   Backend Repository

Python Game Collection

I have developed a few games in Python 3.6 using the PyGame library. Some of them are showcased below.

Snake   |   Memory Game